Committee Service: Who Knows Where It Might Lead?

By LeAnn Nease Brown

How is it that a young lawyer who joined a little committee to look at whether we had 100 lawyers in the state to make up a Section called Antitrust and Trade Regulation could go from that moment in time to this moment in time?

I asked this question at last year’s Annual Meeting after becoming President-elect of the North Carolina Bar Association. Serving in this role is an honor beyond words.

The next Annual Meeting and 2019-20 Bar year fast approach.  As incoming President of the North Carolina Bar Association and Foundation, I will soon have the privilege of making Committee appointments.

Committee service is at the core of our work as leaders of the legal profession. Since NCBA’s inception in 1899, its committees have contributed mightily to its impact on North Carolina and our profession. Likewise, the North Carolina Bar Foundation and the NCBF Endowment grow and flourish through its committees’ work. Together, we advance important programs and projects serving our citizens, our state, our profession and NCBA/NCBF. It is work only we can do. Year over year, NCBA and NCBF committees touch lives, improve laws, help lawyers.

Committee service has never been more important than it is today. Our world and our profession are evolving rapidly. Change and challenge await us daily. The strength and vitality of NCBA and NCBF depend on the commitment of volunteers providing leadership and service through our committees. NCBA and NCBF need you.

In the coming weeks, I will appoint committee members for the 2019-2020 Bar year. The application process opened on March 1 and continues through March 29. You may access the application form by clicking here, review the menu of Association and Foundation committees, and state your preferences for participation in 2019-2020.

If you have served on a committee before, please review the list of opportunities and sign up to serve on a committee again. If you have never served on a committee, I assure you the experience is rewarding and beneficial. As I discovered firsthand, it enhances your experience as a member of the North Carolina Bar Association and Foundation and as a legal professional in countless, wonderful ways.

It is time for you to serve on an NCBA or NCBF Committee.

Who knows where it might lead?

LeAnn Nease Brown of Chapel Hill is a member/manager of Brown & Bunch, PLLC. She will serve as president of the North Carolina Bar Association and the North Carolina Bar Foundation in 2019-2020.