Mid-Year Meeting Update From the ABA House of Delegates
By Bryan Norris
Fellow members of the YLD: My name is Bryan Norris, and I serve as your American Bar Association State Bar Delegate, representing the NCBA YLD within the North Carolina delegation to the ABA’s House of Delegates. On February 5, 2018, the American Bar Association held its Mid-Year Meeting, where the House of Delegates considered a slate of resolutions addressing issues relevant to young lawyers as well as members of the bar at large. This blog post is intended to provide you with a recap of resolutions of potential interest to young lawyers that were considered by the ABA House of Delegates. The resolutions are grouped by subject matter, and links to pertinent documents are provided for your reference. If you have any questions or concerns about the resolutions passed at the Mid-Year Meeting, or if you would like to become more involved in the ABA and its important work, please feel free to contact me via email.