
Launching the Appellate Practice Section Blog with Exciting News!

By Jeff Kelly 

The Appellate Practice Section is pleased to join the network of Sections and Divisions providing great content through the North Carolina Bar Association’s NCBarBlog. Tyler Brooks and I are working together to publish blog content for the Appellate Practice Section, and we encourage our members to contact us with proposals for blog posts and announcements.

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On Fonts: Why Lawyers Should Switch To Century Schoolbook

By Judge Richard Dietz, Drew Erteschik, Clark TewJ.M. Durnovich


We know what you’re thinking:  Why should I care about fonts?  The authors of this article—an appellate judge and a few litigators—would like to answer this question in two parts.

The first part discusses the current font norms for North Carolina lawyers, and why the fonts favored by those norms are not optimal for legal writing.

The second part briefly describes how fonts within the Century family increase readability and retention—features that can give lawyers a competitive edge.

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