Records Section Needs Your Input On Developing New Models

By Michael Thelen

With appreciation to Government and Public Sector Section Council member Ann Wall, general counsel to the Secretary of State and professional knower-of-things, the Section Council has been alerted to an important message and opportunity from Whitney Ray. Whitney, of course, is a records management analyst with the North Carolina Department of Natural and Cultural Resources.  While all Section members are encouraged to read Whitney’s message, we think this post will be of particular interest to the local government attorneys within the Section.

Essentially, the Government Records Section of the State Archives of North Carolina is updating its model local records retention schedules and, in that process, is inviting input from stakeholders (for our sake, local government attorneys and their colleagues within the local governments) as the new models are developed.

Please read the message from from Whitney Ray here and follow these links to access the New Retention Schedule Model for North Carolina Local Governments and an explanation of How to Adopt the New Local Government Retention Schedules.

Mike Thelen is rising chair (2019-2020) of the Government and Public Sector Section of the North Carolina Bar Association.