Lawyers for Literacy: Become a Virtual Volunteer

By Tina Dadio 

The North Carolina Bar Foundation is working to provide North Carolina students with access to resources. Lawyers for Literacy is one of the best things that we can do right now to make a big difference in the lives of young students currently stuck at home and their parents.

If you or any of your colleagues are willing to help by making a recording of you reading one of our books (preferably a video recording), the staff at the North Carolina Bar Foundation can distribute this engaging content directly to teachers and families.

The use of a laptop, tablet or cellphone is acceptable. Please feel free to contact Paul Vaughan at [email protected] for information about where to upload the video and the logistics of making the recording.

What is important is that we work to provide something to these students in a time of uncertainty and—without a doubt—a situation that will contribute to the achievement gap for many students. Thank you for helping the North Carolina Bar Foundation provide services to our local students in a time of need.

Together we can make a difference—especially through these difficult times. To see a smile on a child’s face is a gift that will touch your heart for many years to come.