Welcome to the New Bar Year With ACBD!
By Shana Fulton
Dear Colleagues,
Welcome to the 2024-25 NCBA year! My name is Shana Fulton, and it is my privilege to serve as the Chair of the Antitrust & Complex Business Disputes Law Section for this year.
Our section has a busy year planned. Please be on the lookout for networking opportunities including opportunities with other sections who are also interested in our work and our members. In addition, under the leadership of Lauren Snyder, we will have our annual meeting and CLE event on January 30, 2025.
We have many additional opportunities to engage with the section through our committees, and I encourage you to get involved. Our committees include Communications, Diversity, Law Student Relations, Legislative, Membership, Pro Bono, and we have a YLD Liaison. If you have an interest in serving as a committee member or chairing a committee, please let our Interim Communities Manager Sherard Johnson and me know. We are also interested in your input and ideas for our section. Please feel free to reach out to Sherard, me, or other Council members if you have any ideas or questions.
Again, it is a pleasure to serve as your Chair, and I hope to see you all soon at our next section event. Thank you!