
Aliens Invade New Mexico: Higher Education and Cyber Security At a Crossroads

By David Furr

By the time you count 8 seconds or read the first section of this article, 150 new devices have been connected to the Internet of Things.  That means 61,500 per hour; 1.5 million per day.  Currently 7.4 billion devices are connected to the IoT, more than humans on the planet.  By 2020, estimates of connected devices range from 26 billion to 75 billion.[1]

The modern student and faculty are inextricably and innocently connected to the IoT.  Their behavior will only exponentially increase the security threat to the educational institution

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Encryption Is Not a Four-Letter Word


What is encryption?

Encryption is a process to store your data so that only you can access it. There is an encryption “key” (essentially a password) that you keep to encrypt and decrypt the data. When the data is encrypted, it is converted to ones and zeros so that it can be stored securely, and if the encrypted data falls into the wrong hands (the bad guys or the NSA) it can NOT be read. You hold the only encryption key, and your data can only be decrypted (unlocked) and read by you.

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